2. The new 鉤 should be subjected to a load test, and the opening of the measuring 鉤 should not exceed 0.25% of the original opening.
3.During use, check whether the 鉤 is cracked or severely deformed, corroded and worn.
4. 該鉤應該每年測試一次。試驗時,進行1.25倍許用工作負荷的靜態試驗10分鐘,並用放大鏡或其他方法檢查。不應有裂紋、裂紋和殘餘變形。
5、三個危險部分用煤油清洗乾淨。用放大鏡看看是否有裂縫。板用鉤s, 檢查襯套和銷釘是否磨損。
6. Defects on the 鉤 shall not be repaired.